Welcome to Arty Artisans A registered Arts Award Centre & Trinity Champion Centre
ART classes for Home Education, 121 & Group tuition both in person and online
Run by Me (Mrs Hutchinson) I'm a Qualified Art & Design Teacher & Trained Arts Award Adviser
Safeguarding & Child protection
My responsibility at Arty Artisans is to ensure the safety and welfare of all the children in my classes/sessions in line with the procedures laid out by my local Safeguarding Children’s Board.
(The Safeguarding Children Board is responsible for producing Safeguarding Children Procedures based on national guidelines set out in Working Together to Safeguard Children (Dept. of Education & Skills). It monitors the effectiveness of the Procedures systematically and amends them as it becomes necessary.)
I have successfully completed a range of child protection training. I am aware of the signs and symptoms of child abuse (physical, emotional and sexual) and those of neglect.
If I have reason to believe that any child is being abused in any way I will report the matter to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) at the relevant Social Services, Child Protection Team. Under these circumstances I will not be able to keep information relating to your child confidential, but will need to share it with Ofsted, Social Services and the Police if requested.
If you have any concerns regarding this policy, please discuss them with me.